I'm Feeling Lucky Easter Eggs on Google

Although Google feels the I'm feeling lucky button is not 'as useful', it can still be used to try some excellent 3rd party Easter eggs that are a direct result of Google bombing (remember miserable failure and the whole George Bush case?).

While I have already written about some of these, I missed some immensely popular ones. So, this is a roundup article of all those funny "first results" I did not include in the previous article. Before starting this list, I would advise you to go to Google's homepage, type in these phrases and hit the I'm Feeling Lucky button to get the most out of this article.

I'm feeling lucky Easter eggs on Google
Google Loco
Type Google Loco in the Search box, hit the I'm feeling lucky button and you will be taken to a Google homepage where each letter of the Google logo will continuously dance. Also, the search button and the I'm feeling lucky lucky button are written in the incomprehensible Wingdings font. What you type in the search box also appears in the same font. Even the search box changes its colour every time you type a letter.

Google Pacman
Google I'm feeling lucky Easter eggs
Not a Google bomb but an immensely popular doodle which Google used on its homepage on the 30th anniversary of Pacman, the arcade game in May 2010. Just type Google Pacman in the search box, hit the I'm feeling lucky button and you will be taken to the Google Pacman page. You can use your arrow keys to start playing the game. To play in 2 player mode, hit the Insert Coin button. W, S, A and D keys will control the second player.

 Google Guitar (Les Paul Doodle)
Another very popular doodle which Google featured on its homepage to mark the 96th birthday of Les Paul. This flash and JavaScript based doodle allows users to not only play tunes by holding down the guitar and twanging its strings but also to record them. It also gives a link to share the recorded tunes with your friends. Just use the Google Guitar phrase or directly head over to Google Guitar.

Some more I'm feeling lucky fun
In order to allow you to fully enjoy the surprise, the following keywords haven't been provided a detailed description. Just type them in the search bar and hit the I'm feeling lucky button, or alternatively click on the first search result.

Note: Phrases shown in bold are official April fools jokes from Google. Phrases shown in italics are languages officially supported by Google.

Mental Plex Google TiSP Pigeon Rank Translate for Animals
Google Gulp Google KlingonGoogle PiglatinGoogle Bork
Goglogo Google VariationsGoogle ChurchGoogle Gothic

Update: Google Klingon, Google Piglatin and Google Bork are no longer available as languages supported by Google.

Reader Comments

HenningQuinn said...

This is cool. I've tried a couple different ones. Are the search results the exact same on these pages or are there any differences? If there is a difference, I'm sure this is something that even the best seo companies didn't know about. Either way, thanks for sharing this. It's making my gloomy day brighten up a little bit :)

Akhilesh said...

No two people get the exact same search results Henning because Google customizes them according to your past behavior. However, as most of these pages are powered by Google Custom Search, the results will almost be the same.

Anonymous said...

Also try "google gravity" and "google sphere"

Akhilesh said...

They are already given in the previous post.

Author About

Akhilesh Sharma maintains and writes Tweak And Trick. He is a technology enthusiast and a science student.
You can contact him at tweakandtrick@gmail.com.

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